Who We Are
A missionary organisation established to inspire real change and empowerment among Unreached People Groups (UPGs) in Ghana and other parts of Africa.
165+ trained missionaries
150+ communities served
50,000+ children taught
a lot more to come!
What We Do
Training and Leadership
Our training programs are designed to equip leaders with the requisite attitude and knowledge to become effective agents of transformation. Our students vary in category, from university graduates to working professionals, even indigenous missionaries.
Education and Literacy
Through our partnership with the National Service Secretariat (NSS), we send university graduates and volunteers to serve in rural communities lacking adequate educational support.
Social Impact and Relief Projects
Aside school teaching, we have implemented various projects which have greatly benefitted and continue to benefit the communities in which we serve. Our objective remains to promote development in these regions.
Recruitment and Awareness Programs
Every year, we spread the word of what we do through our conferences and recruitment initiatives.
Partnership Opportunities
Join our monthly online prayer meetings dubbed "The World on Our Knees (TWOOK)" where we intercede for the nations, extending the Kingdom of God through prayer.
Make a donation towards building libraries in rural communities in Northern Ghana. Partner with us and become a part of the "Let Every Child Read" community development project!
Enroll in one of our training programs and equip yourself to be an effective missionary of the gospel of Jesus Christ. No prior experience is required to register.
Transformation Stories
Lasah Mafintu SOLOMON encountered
Operation Serve when he was in primary school at Gbintri. He was taught how to learn by several of our community volunteers year after year.
Through this foundation established, he gained admission to Walelwale Senior High School where he led the school quiz team to the quarter finals of the National Science and Maths Quiz.
Currently, he is a student at CK Tedam Applied Science and
Technology reading a BSc in Pharmaceutical Technology at Navrongo.
David Bilaworkit came from a community without electricity and other basic amenities.
When our volunteers encountered him he had such a low selfesteem. Through our mentorship program, he began to have hope in life.
He is currently a student at the Kwame Nkrumah
University of Science and Technology
reading a BSc in physics